Annual report
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Wellbeing Centre

The past year has been one of growth and change for the Wellbeing Centre. Most notably, in October 2023, we moved into a refurbished building at the back of Visionwest’s Glendale Road site.

Coincidently, this was the space set aside for counselling when the service, then Focus Counselling, first moved on-site in 2004.

The year’s highlights

Alongside the shift of premises, our highlights included:

  • Completion of the ACC Integrated Service for Sensitive Claims (ISSC) application was a huge undertaking which, if secured, will enable us to support those who need counselling support related to past abuse.
  • The commencing of afterhours counselling – small scale at present but with plans to grow.
  • A year’s extension to the Aoake Te Ra contract for clients bereaved by suicide.
  • Our first ACC-funded Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) group course finished in December 2023. Initially 24 weeks, it has been extended to 30 weeks.
  • An active focus on building relationships with partner organisations such as Glen Eden Baptist Church, Citizen Advice Bureau, other West Auckland Counselling Centres, and Visionwest’s Mātanga Oranga.

Responding to the Auckland floods

Funds from the Auckland Council Flood Recovery Fund meant additional support for those impacted by the 2023 floods. We extended our focused counselling to children from our existing school programme and have also been able to offer flood affected whānau up to ten free counselling sessions. A specialist counsellor has been employed to help meet this need.

Wellbeing Centre Team member outside

Three of our counselling interns graduated and found jobs as counsellors. It’s great to input into their training and know the entire community benefits. 

Our counselling-in-schools programme is gaining in visibility and greater community interest is being shown; a new school means the number supported is now seven.

Increased diversity within the Wellbeing Centre team has helped with supporting clients who belong to different cultures.

By employing an educational psychologist, we have been able to extend our expertise around working with children, youth and families.

Our response to emotional and mental health needs

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Wellbeing Centre

Whānau Received Wellbeing Centre Support

Wellbeing Centre

Counselling Sessions Delivered

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