Annual report

Stories of Hope

Ngā kōrero paki o te tūmanako

Joe’s Story

Joe’s Story

Joe’s chronic illness came on suddenly and not only robbed him of his ability to work; it brought with it a variety of issues relating to housing, health and hardship. A chance meeting led him to Visionwest.

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Abdinasar’s Story

Abdinasar’s Story

Abdinasir and his wife came to Aotearoa New Zealand for their children. They saw how clean and beautiful the land was but also recognised the opportunities for schooling and working. However, arriving in the middle of COVID lockdowns meant it took a while for things to work out.
In the end, it was Visionwest Community Housing that came to the rescue providing Abdinasir and his family with safe, affordable housing.

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Sandra’s Story

Sandra’s Story

Sandra feels confident in herself and believes the best in life, love and happiness is ahead of her. That’s exciting for someone who, just a short time ago, was homeless and living in emergency accommodation on the outskirts of Christchurch, New Zealand … until she reached out to Visionwest Community Housing Canterbury.

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Katrina and Kana’s Story

Katrina and Kana’s Story

Katrina had heard about Visionwest’s housing support services because people she knew had received support and raved about it. However, even though she was in emergency housing herself, it wasn’t until a WINZ worker suggested she call Visionwest Community Housing that it occurred to Katrina to make contact herself. Now she’s glad she did.

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Rose’s Story

Rose’s Story

Rose lived an active life. She once had a large property with animals and a sizable garden. It was after having shoulder reconstruction surgery that her life changed. With limited strength and being unable to lift her arms above her shoulders, she found many of the household tasks she’d once taken for granted were no longer possible.

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Graeme’s Story

Graeme’s Story

Graeme had always kept pretty good health until the day he collapsed at work. Once in hospital he was told he needed surgery to replace a damaged heart valve. Then, during his convalescence, Graeme had a serious accident – he worried that his days of independence and even being able to live alone were over.

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Virginia’s Story

Virginia’s Story

The presence of stress leading up to each payday as Virginia worried about how she was going to get through the coming week led her to contact Visionwest Money Mentors. Despite initial fears, she now says it’s the best thing she could have done.

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Amo’s Story

Amo’s Story

Amo was 18 years old with a thriving beauty business; life was going well until one change in circumstance brought things crashing down. Fortunately, her sister knew about Visionwest and suggested Amo give us a call.

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Terangiataahua’s Story

Terangiataahua’s Story

Terangiataahua is a mother to seven children. Her first visit to Visionwest was for a food parcel, but she left with a booked meeting with a Whānau Centre Support Navigator for wraparound support and to begin a journey which would change her life forever.

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Lydia and Samuel’s Story

Lydia and Samuel’s Story

When Lydia was offered a relief teacher role at Eden Cottage, it was one of the best things that could have happened for her family (husband Samuel and their two children). Not only did she have a job, she also received invaluable help from Visionwest during a time of need, and she and Samuel found the ideal early childhood education for their children.

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Albert’s Story

Albert’s Story

As a superannuitant in rented accommodation, Albert finds things tough at times but support from Visionwest Whai Manaaki Kai has been a great help freeing up money to go towards essential living items.

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Cassie’s Story

Cassie’s Story

Cassie* was just 17 when she was forced to leave home after a breakdown in the household relationships made it unsafe to remain there. After spending time couch surfing and living on the streets, someone suggested she contact Visionwest – within days she had safe and warm accommodation at Whare Hiwa.

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