Annual report
Youth icon

Ōhinga Tū

Ōhinga Tū has continued to provide mentoring and support to hundreds of young people in Waitākere by helping them into employment, engaging them in education and training, and teaching skills that will help them develop goals and a plan for their future.

This is presented alongside a strong kaupapa Māori and Pasefika focus for the benefit of all.

Our kaimahi have worked hard to hold a youth development lens across our service delivery so that Ōhinga Tū is more than a list of programmes, it’s a place for young people to find purpose in life, the motivation to achieve employment and study goals, and the confidence to more easily stand in their own mana.

Throughout the year we worked on reviewing our Employment Programme and made several design changes which have allowed us to improve the way we mentor rangatahi working towards employment. Every day we celebrate milestones with these rangatahi as they meet their goals either by finding employment or determining to extend their education by entering further study.

The variety of essential courses that run alongside our programmes throughout the year have helped develop the skills possessed by our rangatahi. In-house courses have included Budgeting, Parenting, Ready-to-Rent, and Drivers Licensing. We have also utilised a number of external courses.

Our Youth Justice work allows us to provide close mentoring of young men who are in the justice system to help provide the hope and opportunity to break free from their past and create a new legacy and a bright future.

Throughout the year, our Youth Employment Navigator supported 45 rangatahi with employment preparation.

Vision Wests Home Healthcare

114 rangatahi have been through our He Poutama Rangatahi programme; the number able to re-engage with education is a real success.

The Ready to Rent programme for first time renters to understand the rental market was again a real help to those who attended.

33 Rangatahi have been supported through our Youth Justice mentoring programme.

Our response to youth employment and training needs

Tā mātou whakautu ki te kimi mahi rangatahi me te wananga

Elderly Icon Statistics

Youth received mentoring and employment support

Elderly Icon Statistics

First time renters completed the Ready to Rent Programme

Amo’s Story

Amo was 18 years old with a thriving beauty business; life was going well for her when one change in circumstance brought things crashing down. Fortunately, her sister knew about Visionwest and suggested Amo give us a call.

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