Published Reports
Each year Visionwest produces reports for the purpose of reporting on or commenting on the issues addressed by the services we provide; members of the Visionwest staff team and other supporters also produce academic research papers. In the past two years, we have produced the following reports and seen the following academic papers published.
Informing Mauri Tipuranga
– Stakeholder Input Report
June 2024
This report provides a summary of stakeholder input to inform the possible future development of Mauri Tipuranga – a training programme, including tools and a model of practice for youth workers in Aotearoa New Zealand. The report was initiated by Visionwest Community Trust with philanthropic support from SkyCity Community Trust.
Building Financial Capability
– Financial Mentors Report
March 2024
This report focuses on Building Financial Capability (BFC) clients who use Money Mentors, Visionwest’s financial mentoring service. The report provides an understanding of the needs of Visionwest’s current BFC clients and the impact that engaging with Money Mentors has on their financial and overall wellbeing.
Christmas From the Heart: 2023
February 2024
In December 2023, Visionwest held its fifth Christmas From The
Heart Event giving over 4,000 people a Christmas they might otherwise have missed out on. This report provides an overview of the event with data and insights on poverty in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Flood and Cyclone Report
August 2023
A record of Visionwest’s response to Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland’s catastrophic 2023 weather events. Within hours of the flooding, Visionwest team members were on the ground providing for the needs of those displaced from their homes. Over the coming weeks, Visionwest provided wraparound support for hundreds of affected whānau.
Social Supermarket Feasibility Report
May 2023 | Insight, Kai
Social supermarkets have been operating for many years internationally, often with a waste minimisation focus and the intention of offering dignity and choice to shoppers. This report was produced as a feasibility study and precursor to Manaaki Kai, Visionwest’s social supermarket.
Research Papers
Making the transition to sustaining a home possible for families who have been homeless: An occupational perspective.
Dr Jenni Mace – Senior Lecturer at AUT
This thesis used a five-step appreciative inquiry process to explore with 20 Visionwest staff and clients what works for families when establishing a permanent home. Reflexive thematic analysis generated three main themes highlighting the importance of a ‘good place’ to live, belonging to a community, and the activities families need or want to do.
Paying attention to wairua: Healing the intangible.
Fay Pouesi, Kaiārahi Lead Therapist, Mātanga Oranga, with Rosemary Dewerse
This article discusses the crucial importance of two necessary priorities in the work of practitioners for addressing whānau violence. The discussion is conducted via a kaupapa Māori approach that pays attention to wairua across generations and which has been successfully addressing historical, intergenerational and current trauma.