Chairperson’s Message
Kia ora koutou,
It doesn’t take much to knock a person off balance or off course. But when unexpected events impact households it can lead to feelings of despair and hopelessness. When circumstances get tough and hardship appears to be inevitable, we all need support from others to overcome. That’s where organisations like Visionwest Waka Whakakitenga are vital in providing the wraparound services needed to thrive.
Visionwest’s collective mahi, driven by our faith and values, has delivered truly transformative impacts in communities across the motu this past year. Every one of us has played, or can play, a part in this. We can be proud of how much has been achieved in the past year … more people supported, expanded services, a robust financial position. Visionwest is walking the talk and living its vision and mission daily.
Alongside the significant impacts this past year, I’m encouraged by Visionwest’s progress in its Te Tiriti o Waitangi journey, as we grow as an organisation prioritising kaupapa Māori. I have also been encouraged by the investment in resourcing the team for the future.
Most telling, though, are the stories of transformation. At our monthly Board hui, we share stories and reflections of encouragement. Time and again, the common thread running through these stories is the unwavering support and love shown by the people connected with Visionwest, often extending into a positive ripple-effect on the person’s wider whānau and community. These stories are only possible thanks to the support of many people, and I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to all of you. To our Trustees, staff, Glen Eden Baptist Church, funders, business partners, and volunteers – your generosity, tireless efforts, financial support, compassion, and unwavering commitment to our cause are deeply appreciated. I would also like to specially acknowledge Lisa, our CEO, whose leadership and dedication have been instrumental in driving our mission forward for over 25 years.
The scriptures (Jeremiah 29:11) remind us: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” When problems seem overwhelming and knowing where to start feels so difficult, knowing that no one needs to do it alone is key. Visionwest is hands-on in your community, walking alongside people to support them to lighten their load, build hope, and see transformation in their lives.
As you read each page of this annual report, you’ll find service reports and stories of transformation. I encourage you to reflect on these and ask what is on your heart for next year and your possible involvement in supporting transformed lives and healthy Communities?
Ngā mihi
Daniel Barthow, Board Chair