Sandra feels confident in herself and believes the best in life, love and happiness is ahead of her. That’s exciting for someone who, just a short time ago, was homeless and living in emergency accommodation on the outskirts of Christchurch … until she reached out to Visionwest Community Housing Canterbury.
Sandra found herself living in emergency motel accommodation quite a way from facilities. “I was mad and sad; I was unwell and isolated but even to go and get my medicine I had to travel two and a half hours by bus.”
One day, Sandra received a phone call from a lady at WINZ and an interview with Visionwest’s Christchurch office was arranged. “I had an interview on a Wednesday, by Friday was moving into a Visionwest house. As I did, I noticed a lady come in and sit in the corner on the floor. I didn’t know who this lady was, but I soon found out.”
That lady was Julia, Lead Support Navigator with Visionwest Community Housing. Her team’s role is to ensure Visionwest’s housing clients have access to the support they need to ensure a successful tenancy. “Everything changed for me. Because of Visionwest. I feel accepted. I feel confident and loved. And I can acknowledge that the best in life, love and happiness is ahead of me.”
When asked about having a settled place to live, Sandra reflects on how good it feels. “I’m able to have a daily routine and go out to different activities. That uplifts my spirit; it makes life more manageable. I’ve also got help and guidance from Visionwest.”
Sandra is incredibly appreciative for the support she’s received. She praises Visionwest because of the way the kaimahi (staff) understand individuals and families who are homeless.
“[Visionwest] really believe in people. They have faith that a person can grow and become a better individual. That makes a person feel secure and safe. It’s helped me mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Before my daughters didn’t want anything to do with me and I didn’t have a relationship with my grandchildren. My hope was to restore that, and it’s happened.
““Sometimes you can be too proud to receive love and compassion, because I didn’t think I deserved it. So, thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”“Sometimes you can be too proud to receive love and compassion, because I didn’t think I deserved it. So, thank you. Thank you. Thank you.